What is a Christian? How can you grow your faith?
Here you can find some resources to help you learn more about Jesus.
What does a Christian believe
when they choose to follow Jesus?
Read 30 key things here + ask for a free Believe book & cards at church.
A daily 5min video series with
thought provoking questions
exploring a hope-filled look into the Christian faith.
An easy-to-read snapshot series
covering the 12 fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith as they appear in the bible.
An excellent, free 9 week course (now avail. online) exploring all of life's big questions. Watch trailer below and contact us for details.
Explore a series of 20min Kiwi-made videos, unfolding the story of the bible with relevant topics to answer your questions about faith.
The first-ever multi-season series about the life of Christ. The free show tens of millions of people won't stop talking about.